




Date of Birth :
Family members :
Body information :
Education :
Achievements : - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
October 11, 1979.
Parents and two brothers.
'O' Blood type / 5.8 ft / 115 lbs
Hanyang University, Class of 1998. Film major at Kunkook Univ, Class of 2007.
Best new actress, "Hak Gyo", KBS Drama Awards, 1999
Best new actress, "A Higher Animal", Blue Dragon Film Festival, 2000
Most popular actress, "RNA", KBS Drama Awards, 2000
Best actress, "Take Care of My Cat", AKOFIC Awards, 2001
Actress of the year, "Take Care of My Cat", Chunsa Film Festival, 2001
Best actress, "Take Care of My Cat", Paeksang Arts Awards, 2002
Best actress, "Take Care of My Cat", AKOFIC Awards in Pusan, 2002
Actress of the year, "Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance" Director's Cut Awards, 2002
Actress of the year, "The Host", Director's Cut Awards, 2006
Best actress, "Air Doll", Japan Academy Awards, 2010
Best actress, "Air Doll", 19th Tokyo Sports Movie Awards, 2010
Best actress, "Air Doll", 24th Takasaki Film Festival, 2010
Foreign Best actress, 23th Golden Rooster.. Film Festival Chana, 2014
Best actress, "A Girl at My Door", 9th Asian Film Awords, 2015
Good Acting Award, "A Girl at My Door", 9th ChunSa Film Awards, 2015

2017 |




"Ma-yak-wang", Film.
"Secret Forest", Drama, tvN.
2016 |

"Sense8 - Season 2", Drama, NETFLIX.
"The Tunel", Film.
2015 |

"Sense8 - Season 1", Drama, NETFLIX.
2014 |

"Jupiter Ascending", Film.
2013 |

"Dohee-ya / A Girl at My Door", Film.
2011 |

"As One", Film.
"Cloud Atlas", Film.
2010 |

"Gloria", TV drama, MBC.
"Master of Study", TV drama, KBS.
2009 |

"Air Doll", Film.
2008 |

"Doona's Seoul Play", Photo essay.
2007 |

"The Perfect Neighbor", TV drama, SBS.
"Doona's Tokyo Play", Photo essay.
2006 |

"Someday", TV drama, OCN.
"Doona's London Play", Photo essay.
2005 |

"The Host", Film
2004 |
"Sunday Seoul", director and actress, theatrical play.
"Linda Linda Linda", Film.
2003 |
"Do you like spring bear?" Film.
"Wi Poong Dang Dang Gue Nyuh", TV drama, MBC.
"Rose Marie", TV Drama, KBS.
2002 |
"Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance", Film.
"Tube", film, 2002.
"Saving My Hubby", Film.
2001 |
"Take Care of My Cat", Film.
"Man and Woman", TV Drama, SBS.
2000 |
"A Higher Animal", Film.
"Plum Blossom", Film.
"RNA", TV drama, KBS.
1999 |
"The Ring Virus", Film.
"Hak Gyo", TV drama, KBS.
