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紫遭 条醸柔艦陥! :) 2013-08-27 20:22   砧蟹松腎寅
蟹砧 qaz松 幾歳生稽 奄紫紫遭生稽 臣紹揮 砧蟹松 紫遭 (裟姶偽還 紫遭引 敗臆) 条醸柔艦陥!

壱原趨推 qaz松!

砧蟹松 杖閏戚 鋼側鋼側 韻辰亜 蟹推! 製失亀 疏生獣壱! 疏焼左戚偲辞 奄歳戚 疏紹柔艦陥!

腎寅 拭耕
人酔!!!!!!!!!!! 蓄朝蓄朝球形遂せせせせせせ (奄軒艦 13.08.30 20:42)
  紫遭 条醸柔艦陥! :) ..1 13622 2013-08-27 砧蟹松腎寅
  Ever so excited to see Doona back in Korea!! 13280 2013-08-29 砧蟹松腎寅
  球蟹損戚 廃厩拭!!!!! ..2 14017 2013-08-29 砧蟹紫櫛
  re:革..宜焼尽岩艦陥. ..3 11728 2013-08-30 球絃
  沿呪薄拙亜 球虞原拭辞 砧蟹松亜 窒尻梅生檎... 14252 2013-08-30 走蟹亜澗戚
  Translation of Doona Mom's comment below 13749 2013-08-30 砧蟹松腎寅
  牌雌 誓据杯艦陥~~~<3 13429 2013-08-30 搾搾
  Thanks for your translation(To Emmy-san) 13298 2013-08-31 hanada
  Hanada-san and other international Nadoos 13903 2013-08-31 砧蟹松腎寅
  So, the announcement for Doona's Korean film... 13343 2013-09-02 砧蟹松腎寅
  託奄拙 社縦戚!!!!^^ ..1 13553 2013-09-02 砧蟹紫櫛
  More info on Doona's new Korean movie 13684 2013-09-02 砧蟹松腎寅
  神潅...徹燭楳紫 奄紫概革推. ..1 14216 2013-09-04 球絃
  Doona's 9/5/13 Kiehl's appearance 13815 2013-09-04 砧蟹松腎寅
  辞随拭 域重 蟹砧 蟹砧級精 杖原蟹 疏生叔猿推? 13616 2013-09-07 砧蟹松腎寅
  re:紫櫛拭 左岩馬澗 政析廃 掩... 10985 2013-09-07 球絃